Daily Archives: December 19, 2014

Retour à Bihanga

Fin de crise entre Kampala et le M23 ?

Si la présence en Ouganda des forces de l’ancienne rébellion ne pourra pas être remise en question, le gouvernement de la RDC devra enfin respecter ses engagements pour obtenir la démobilisation de ses troupes

If the presence in Uganda of the former rebellion forces will not be able to be put in question, DRC’s government will eventually have to respect his commitments to obtain the demobilization of M23.

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Waiting for the Outrage About Congo Massacres in Beni

Those of us with emotional and friendship ties to the Congo have been waiting. We have been waiting for the outrage, or at least some western media coverage after reports of massacres in the Beni area of North Kivu began to trickle out in October. Finally, Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a press release about the atrocities on December 16. Internet searches for “massacres in Congo” lit up for about seventeen hours and now have gone silent. Yahoo News, the Voice of America, Bloomberg, and dozens of other media outlets dutifully quoted the grizzly HRW report, which includes accounts of crucifixions, shootings, machete attacks, rape and other forms of torture of innocent civilians in and around Beni.

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