Category Archives: Rwanda

Le président rwandais condamne “l’arrogance” de l’Occident après l’arrestation de son chef des renseignements.



paul_kagameLe président rwandais Paul Kagame a condamné jeudi “l’arrogance” et “le mépris” de l’Occident après l’arrestation à Londres de son chef des services de renseignement, Emmanuel Karenzi Karake.

“L’arrestation du chef des services de renseignement du Rwanda est basée sur l’arrogance absolue et le mépris” de l’Occident. “Ils doivent l’avoir pris par erreur pour un immigrant illégal. Ils nous traitent tous comme ils traitent les immigrants illégaux”, a déclaré le président Kagame dans un discours devant le parlement.

“Les Noirs sont devenus des cibles pour s’entrainer à tirer”, a ajouté le chef de l’Etat rwandais. Continue reading

President Kagame speaks out on the arrest of Rwanda’s freedom fighter Gen Karake

President Kagame“…First it was France, then Spain, then the UK. I don’t know who is next. When you are pushed against the wall and left with nothing else, building on that spirit, you come back in full strength. We have the power of being underrated, the power that comes from the anger of being held in contempt, and of being insulted. The real untold story is they want to change the narrative of what has happened in Rwanda that they were so deeply involved in. People say we are friends and support your development. Do you support my development and take away my dignity? In the end, we must and will prevail…”   Video


Rwanda’s Spy Chief Emmanuel Karenzi Karake Arrested In The UK At Spain’s Behest.

karenzi_karakeKIGALI, Rwanda (AP) — A Rwandan military general was arrested at London’s Heathrow Airport and will appear in court later this week, British police said Tuesday, prompting an angry response from Rwandan leaders.

Police said the warrant for Emmanuel Karenzi Karake, head of Rwanda’s intelligence and security service, was made on behalf of authorities in Spain.

Karake, a close ally of Rwandan President Paul Kagame, was one of 40 members of the Rwandan military indicted in 2008 on charges of terrorism and genocide by Spanish national Court Judge Fernando Andreu.

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An Obama Policy of Disingenuousness in Rwanda

RwandaIs a lawyer and 2000 graduate of Princeton whose undergraduate thesis, “Building Peace and Establishing the Rule of Law: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda,” qualified to give brutal testimony against the government of Rwanda in a congressional hearing this week? Does 11 months spent in Rwanda from July 2000 to June 2001 with the International Rescue Committee as a type of community organizer give this individual the moral authority to pass judgment on a country still recovering from the slaughter of up to 1 million of its people in 1994?

Steven Feldstein’s State Department bio is classic boilerplate. The only thing that is clear is his title and job description: Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL). According to DOS, he is “responsible for DRL’s work in Africa, international labor affairs, and international religious freedom.

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Vindicating the Ways of God to Man in Gihembe Refugee Camp

GihembeWhile Americans were remembering the fallen this Memorial Day weekend, another somber ceremony took place almost 10,000 miles away in a battered refugee camp in Rwanda. Congolese residents of the Gihembe camp honored family and friends who were massacred by Interahamwe militias during the genocide against Congolese Tutsi in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Burundi. The ethnic cleansing continues to this day in DRC, with FDLR militias still at large, comprised of remnants of those who committed the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. DRC’s President Joseph Kabila has refused to cooperate with the UN stabilization mission (MONUSCO) to finally eliminate the FDLR.

I was able to participate in this ceremony in a very unusual way. While informally meeting with Congolese refugees in Rwanda in March, I was asked to attend.

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Wild Gorilla creates a food tool in “eureka” moment

For the first time, a wild gorilla is seen using a tool to eat food

Presented by
Matt Walker

LisangaIt’s a scene that would grace the opening of any Planet of the Apes movie.  But rather than being fiction, this is fact, and one that is new to science.  For the first time, a gorilla in the wild has been seen using a tool to acquire and eat food.

The young female gorilla watched another older male attempt to collect ants from a hole in the ground, only to see the ants bite his arm, scaring him away.  The female gorilla tried to put her own arm in the hole, and she too was bitten.   Continue reading

Archives Rwanda: un premier pas, plus symbolique que décisif, pour ONG et experts



FranceUn geste symbolique, un bon début qui demande à être confirmé, mais pas une avancée décisive. Militants associatifs, parties civiles, avocats et chercheurs restaient prudents mercredi après l’annonce de la déclassification d’archives de la présidence française sur le génocide au Rwanda.

“Ce qui me fait sourire, c’est la date choisie”, au 21e anniversaire du déclenchement du génocide dans lequel ont péri quelque 800.000 personnes, principalement des Tutsi, dit Alain Gauthier, président du Collectif des parties civiles pour le Rwanda (CPCR), association à l’origine de la plupart des plaintes en France contre de présumés génocidaires.

“Il ne faudrait pas que nos autorités pensent qu’elle nous font un cadeau qui nous ferait taire, ça ne nous empêchera pas de continuer à réclamer toute la lumière sur le rôle de la France avant, pendant et après le génocide”. Paris est toujours accusé de complicité par le pouvoir de Kigali, issu de la rébellion tutsi qui chassa en 1994 les génocidaires hutu.

M. Gauthier reconnait “a priori une bonne nouvelle”, mais avec un bémol: “ce ne sont peut-être pas les archives les plus importantes pour apprendre des choses sur le rôle de la France”. Continue reading